Sunday, 6 November 2011

Mythtv - Perl script to email the recordings list.

Hi All,

So, I don't want my new recordings list being available on t'interwebs, but I do have my own email server.

So I wrote some perl to parse the RSS feed and email me the results. I stuck this to a cron job and now I get a weekly email with the new recordings on.

It does need tweaking, I only want the newest recorded programs email to me. Currently this emails the lot to me. Anyway, here's the code:


use LWP::Simple;

#to read html streams

use strict;

use Mail::Sender;

my $emailmsg;

my $sender;

print "Getting Content\n";

my $content = get('http://localhost/mythweb/rss/tv/recorded') || die print "Oh fuck it";

#print $content;

$content =~ s/[^[:ascii:]]+//g; #get rid of weird chars

print 'Splitting atoms...oh LOL :-)';

print "\n";

my @lines = split(//, $content);

print "Parsing some stuff\n";

for my $line (@lines){

#print $line =~ /\(.*)\<\/title\>/;

$line =~ /\(.*)\<\/title\>/;

$emailmsg .= $1;

$line =~ /\(.*)\<\/pubDate\>/;

$emailmsg .= " - " . $1;

$emailmsg .= "\n";

#print $line =~ /\\<\!\[CDATA\[(.*)\]\]\>\<\/description\>/;

$line =~ /\\<\!\[CDATA\[(.*)\]\]\>\<\/description\>/;

$emailmsg .= $1;

$emailmsg .= "\n\n\n";

#print $emailmsg;


#(my $headlines) = ($content =~ /type\=\"html\"\>(.*)\<\/title\>/);

#print "$headlines\n";

$sender = new Mail::Sender {

smtp => 'IP or server address',

from => 'address@tosend.from',

auth => 'NTLM',

authid => 'username',

authpwd => 'password',

on_errors => undef,


or die "Can't create the Mail::Sender object: $Mail::Sender::Error\n";


to => '',

subject => 'Mythtv recordings update'


or die "Can't open the message: $sender->{'error_msg'}\n";



or die "Failed to send the message: $sender->{'error_msg'}\n";

There you go. I've left my commented code in so you can see where I was going with it.

Thanks for reading,

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